Bastian Lahr

Senior Software Architect


Software Architecture

Software Architecture

.Net Development

.Net Development

Cloud-based solutions

Cloud-based solutions


As a software developer with over 15 years of experience working with .Net, I have a strong track record of delivering successful projects, ranging from WPF applications to ASP.Net Core microservices and Blazor interfaces.

Throughout my career, I have honed my skills in software design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance, ensuring that each project I undertake meets the highest standards of quality and efficiency. I have a deep understanding of software development principles and methodologies, which enables me to deliver solutions that are not only functional but also highly performant and user-friendly.

As a freelancer, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, and I am committed to delivering outstanding results for my clients. Whether you are looking to develop a new application or optimize an existing one, I have the skills and expertise to help you achieve your goals. So if you are looking for a reliable and experienced software developer, I would be delighted to work with you.


+49 176 24316920
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